About me

Hello! I am a college student based in Taiwan, majoring in Computer Science. I have experience in web development and familiar with both front-end and back-end, but AI-related applications have caught my attention lately, and I’ve been contributing to some open-source projects

Here are more details about me:



Some of the projects I’ve contributed to:


Skills and Technologies

I am familiar with the following programming languages, skills, database and frameworks:

  • C, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, GO
  • Vue3, Tailwind, Element Plus
  • MySQL, MongoDB, GraphQL
  • CSS3 / HTML5
  • Docker, Git

Fun Facts About Me

  • I enjoy skateboarding 🛹, hiking 🌄, and snowboarding 🏂.
  • My favorite novel is “The Three-Body Problem.”
  • 🌌 “Interstellar” is my favorite movie.
  • I have climbed Mount Fuji in 2023.

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me at zero69992@gmail.com if you have any questions or just want to say hi!